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Transformation Sessions

Offered by: Sara Louisa

Therapy details

Sessions: 6
Duration: 1.5 Hours
Price: £75

About therapy

The Transformation Sessions (Intensive, rapid healing programme) In this collection of 6, one on one, spiritually based transformational sessions. (Held in person at Newquay’s beautiful therapy centre.) We will embark on a journey of deep healing…. Into the very core of our belief systems and subconscious minds. To locate, heal and integrate all outdated programs. Clearing out old stuck, stagnant energy that, over time and without our awareness, has kept us stuck for years. This is an excellent all round programme, for people who want to rapidly heal, and make peace with themselves and their past, without having to spend years in therapy. Many of us are repeating the same patterns, in toxic relationships and in loops of self sabotaging and self destructive behaviour. But why? Where does it come from? What many of us don’t understand is that these behaviours and patterns often begin in childhood, much of it comes from traumas that we suffer during that time .The trauma can seem to be relatively small, but may still have lasting effects upon the individual, depending upon their age and also how it was dealt with at the time. Much also of our conditioning is learned behaviour, things that we witness and as infants. In that stage of our development we have no analytical mind, we take these behaviours and beliefs as our own, because we know nothing different or better. And we repeat them, again and again, until we bring awareness to them, and begin to understand ourselves! Why do we do the things we do,and become conscious of all of our unconscious behaviours, from this point we can start to heal, and then facilitate great change. I work directly with the subconscious mind, and the subconscious brain is actually 95% of our brain…think of it as a big computer, … like an operating system It holds everything that has ever happened to you,the good and traumatic memories, and also many programmes that no longer serve us! Using the modalities of hypnotherapy and N.L.P we are able to get directly into that operating system and remove those old outdated programs for good. We will revisit past traumas and unearth old wounds, completely clearing and healing them as we go. Cutting ties to old ancestral patterns that have been passed down through generations, that we now have the power to release. When we do this work, we create space, peace and clarity. And from this place we can create a bright and positive future for you!!

Offered by

Sara Louisa

Facilitator of Sacred Ceremonies and Celebrations

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