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Dr Johanneke Kodde

Body Mind Soul Doctor, Holistic Doctor

About me

I have been a doctor for over 20 years and a GP more than 15. I have always been fascinated by people’s stories and personal experiences in life and how they relate to the symptoms they present with. After 15 years as a partner in the same practice, I now work as a portfolio GP. I was a trainer for other GPs for over 10 years and I am still a mentor and supervisor. I have a coaching qualification and have always had a special interest in mental health, women’s health and chronic conditions like CFS/ME and fibromyalgia. I worked in a private menopause clinic for a year.

In the last 3 years I have gone through a lot of soul searching, triggered by the aftermath of the pandemic and one of my children becoming very unwell with severe tics and anxiety. I realised I was using my brain as the driver/decision maker and my body as a practical vehicle, mostly ignoring the innate wisdom, instincts and intuition that my body has always had. Human Design was an amazing tool, which helped me understand myself and my family much more deeply. It also helped us understand how different we all are and what our natural preferred ways of behaving are. I was told by various people that I also had strong psychic abilities, which was completely new to me. Sure enough, with the help of a very thorough course, I am now able to tap into this by reading Akashic Records, with amazing results for my clients. All of my knowledge, skills and experience are combined in my work as Body Mind Soul Doctor.

I feel very blessed to live surrounded by the beauty of Cornwall. I adore being in the sea swimming, on the river rowing or walking through woods or on the coast path. I feel much more in tune with and guided by nature these days, by the seasons, the moon and the wisdom of the natural world, that we are all part of. I meditate regularly and have explored yoga, breath work, drumming, shamanic journeying and other ceremonies, which I come back to at various times. I also facilitate a monthly women’s circle.

Services offered

Other than booking therapy sessions with me, I also offer specialised services that may be of interest to you. Please have a look, and if you find something you are interested in, you can enquire using the contact form!

For more details about an individual service, you can click on the card and view the page.

Body Mind Soul Programme

This 5 step transformational body mind soul programme is a combination of my different services (Holistic Health, Human Design and Akashic Records), with additional mindset coaching, visualisation and manifestation techniques.

Step 1: Exploration- with a Holistic Health Consultation. We will explore how you got to this point in life and the issues you would like to address. This is a deep dive into your physical health and medical history, your emotional world, your approach to life and your aspirations, in the light of your experiences and skills.

Step 2: Your personal energetic profile- with a Human Design Reading which offers an amazingly accurate explanation of how your energy flows and how you interact with others and the world around you. An understanding of this gives permission to be yourself and to follow the clues that your soul and body are trying to give you to be your best self and live your most joyful and fulfilling life.

Step 3: Clarity on your blocks and direction- with an Akashic Records Reading (please link to above) to ask those questions to which the answers elude us, the part of us that is hidden in our subconscious. The Akashic Records can give us information about relationships, beliefs and our soul’s purpose and intention, so we can clear the way and decide on a way forward.

Step 4: Create your own reality- we get into how you can really improve your reality, by changing your thoughts and emotions and then take action towards your dreams by using mindset coaching, visualisation and manifestation techniques.

Step 5: Long term success- we will recap on all we have covered and design a long term plan for your health and wellbeing. We will review your understanding of body- mind-soul awareness so you navigate future challenges with a positive, compassionate and empowering attitude.

Akashic Records Reading

The Akashic Records are an imprint of all you have experienced, emotions, thoughts and events, and future possibilities. Having your Akashic Records read can give you clarity on your soul’s evolution, past experiences, contracts or agreements with others or personal blocks or beliefs. We will discuss how it works and what you might like to get out of the reading. I will create a safe and sacred space and open your records. I will then talk through what information I am getting, this could be sensations, images, information, people or animals. We will explore what this means for you and ask more questions to clarify. If necessary we can clear old programmes or transmute beliefs. You are welcome to take a voice recording so you can listen back afterwards, as I may not remember exactly what has come through.

Human Design Reading

Human Design is a tool based on Astrology, I Ching, Kabbalah, Chakra system and quantum science, which gives you a ‘manual’ to understand your own energetic blueprint, behaviour, interactions and how you are designed function. Based on your date, time and place of birth, you get your personal Human Design Chart. I will be able to explain your type, your authority, strategy, profile and other elements, which helps you to understand your personal energetic blueprint. This shed light on your behaviour, your interactions with others, your personal style of functioning and much more. We will discuss your design and I will send you a report afterwards.

Holistic Health Consultation

Based on my Body Mind Soul questionnaire, we will explore your physical symptoms, emotional experience and your aspirations and desires. I will help you gain insight in how you have got to this point and how you can improve and move forward. You will be sent a detailed Body Mind Soul questionnaire to complete beforehand. During the consultation I will explore and clarify this further and I will help you see how many elements are connected and have led to where you are now. We then discuss how you could improve your symptoms or situation and I will give you practical ideas and starting points. All this information I will capture in a report that you will be sent afterwards. This is a lot of information to cover in 1 consultation, so many people book 1 or more follow up appointments, but that is not required.

Book your session

Would you like to book in a session with me? Just fill out your details below. Please specify if you would like one of my services, or what you would like to be helped with.
