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Sara Louisa

Facilitator of Sacred Ceremonies and Celebrations

About me

Hello beautiful soul.. I am Sa Ra Louisa, a seasoned Hypnotherapist, N.L.P practitioner, and E.F.T specialist, I am dedicated to guiding individuals towards radical transformation by harnessing the power of the subconscious mind. With a compassionate and non-judgmental approach, I create a safe, friendly space for her clients to unravel, explore and heal.

Specializing in various areas such as womb work, addiction recovery, anxiety and trauma release, quantum healing, confidence building, weight management, and relationship enhancement

My passion, is to transform my clients into  the very best version of themselves, making peace with the past,and accepting  and loving themselves.

We may have many relationships through this lifetime, but the one person that will be with you throughout this journey is you, and this relationship needs time, love, support, nuture and the deepest understanding

We will work together identifying and releasing old limiting beliefs and patterns, creating space to align you with your true purpose and co creating the life of your dreams.

Having navigated my own journey of addiction and disconnection, I am able to bring a profound understanding and empathy to my practice.There is no better qualification as a therapist then having walked the path yourself, and having completely transformed my life and many others lives, I know how unbelievably powerful therapy is.

It takes deep courage to reach out and ask for help, and look at parts of yourself  that are in pain, the parts you want to keep hidden from thd world, but if you are here and reading this, know that you are ready.

I am also a facilitator of Sacred ceremonies, song circles, handfastings, blessings ways and many other celebrations.

Services offered

Other than booking therapy sessions with me, I also offer specialised services that may be of interest to you. Please have a look, and if you find something you are interested in, you can enquire using the contact form!

For more details about an individual service, you can click on the card and view the page.

Wild, Feminine Soul

Before patriarchy, women were honoured as mystical creatures . With the ability to create the miracle of life. Worshiped, for their beauty and softness, and given space and time to connect to nature, and their own cycles and visions. A women’s ability to give the softest unconditional love to their children and partners was a vulnerable gift that held great reverence and respect. But in this fast-paced society that we are born into, we as women are expected to be all things… To have a successful career, a perfect body, be a devoted mother, a tentative friend, with a thriving social life, a magical relationship with our partner, and be a great performer in the bedroom. It is no wonder that many of us feel absolutely exhausted and disconnected, from ourselves, from each other and from our home, Mumma earth. There is a great need now, within us all sisters, to heal, to reclaim and to balance our sensuality, power and soft divine femininity. I, myself have been on this path to reclaim the parts of myself that have become fragmented, to heal the wounds of my sacred heart and the trauma stored deep within my womb and cervix, and experience a deep remembrance of what it is to live in my sensuality, my wildness and my playfulness. In this collection of 6, 1-on-1 sessions, allow me to be your guide. Let us journey back to your heart and womb, back to your pleasure and soft sensuality, back into the essence of being a woman, living in your power and truest expression. Throughout our lifetimes, experiences and relationships we create walls and prisons around our sacred hearts, in these sessions we will learn how to tear down these walls, whilst protecting our energy and having clear boundaries, to keep us in a place of truth, authenticity and integrity. We are the creatrix’s of our own precious lives. We have the ability to live extraordinary lives, when we tap into the well of womb wisdom, and embrace our uniqueness, loving our beautiful bodies, in all their magnificent shapes and sizes. Imagine how it would feel to fall in love with yourself… Carving out precious time for things that you love. Speaking to yourself only in the gentlest, most loving way, taking time for your pleasure, feeling sexy and on fire …. You are not at the bottom of the pile my love… you are beautiful and so worthy and deserving of all of this and so much more…. As I unravel deeper and deeper into my own journey, and strip away layer after layer of things that I thought kept me safe, I feel my heart and my womb open and expand, and from this place I invite you to join me on this path, as your guide to open up your soft feminine heart, and allow your love to flow freely through the juicy web of your one, precious life I see you sister You are enough.

Deep Dive (Sara)

Many of us have done the work !! And have invested our time and money into our healing. But if you’re on this path, you know we are never really done… There are always more layers to peel back, and we can go deeper and deeper into this journey of release, reclamation, acceptance and deep healing. In the deep dive sessions, I invite you to retreat from your life into a cosy candle lit temple, for this three hour session, to really get to the core, and shift whatever it may be that is coming up for you at this present time. We will begin with a heart opening cacao and a heart coherence meditation, to allow us to really drop in, away from all distractions, and deeply connect with each other. Together, with compassionate inquiry we will gently work through your presenting issue, finding and understanding the core belief and how this pattern is repeating itself within your life and current situation. For the remaining half of the session, using a mix of hypnotherapy, N.L.P and a little bit of magic ! I will curate an immersive deep journey, uniquely and intuitively designed for you, to get into the subconscious mind and shift the energies and belief systems that are keeping you stuck.

Transformation Sessions

The Transformation Sessions (Intensive, rapid healing programme) In this collection of 6, one on one, spiritually based transformational sessions. (Held in person at Newquay’s beautiful therapy centre.) We will embark on a journey of deep healing…. Into the very core of our belief systems and subconscious minds. To locate, heal and integrate all outdated programs. Clearing out old stuck, stagnant energy that, over time and without our awareness, has kept us stuck for years. This is an excellent all round programme, for people who want to rapidly heal, and make peace with themselves and their past, without having to spend years in therapy. Many of us are repeating the same patterns, in toxic relationships and in loops of self sabotaging and self destructive behaviour. But why? Where does it come from? What many of us don’t understand is that these behaviours and patterns often begin in childhood, much of it comes from traumas that we suffer during that time .The trauma can seem to be relatively small, but may still have lasting effects upon the individual, depending upon their age and also how it was dealt with at the time. Much also of our conditioning is learned behaviour, things that we witness and as infants. In that stage of our development we have no analytical mind, we take these behaviours and beliefs as our own, because we know nothing different or better. And we repeat them, again and again, until we bring awareness to them, and begin to understand ourselves! Why do we do the things we do,and become conscious of all of our unconscious behaviours, from this point we can start to heal, and then facilitate great change. I work directly with the subconscious mind, and the subconscious brain is actually 95% of our brain…think of it as a big computer, … like an operating system It holds everything that has ever happened to you,the good and traumatic memories, and also many programmes that no longer serve us! Using the modalities of hypnotherapy and N.L.P we are able to get directly into that operating system and remove those old outdated programs for good. We will revisit past traumas and unearth old wounds, completely clearing and healing them as we go. Cutting ties to old ancestral patterns that have been passed down through generations, that we now have the power to release. When we do this work, we create space, peace and clarity. And from this place we can create a bright and positive future for you!!

Book your session

Would you like to book in a session with me? Just fill out your details below. Please specify if you would like one of my services, or what you would like to be helped with.
